macroScript splineToMXS category:"Comet Cartoons" toolTip:"splineToMXS: Returns/Prints the currently selected shape objects to MAXScript code." Icon:#("Maxscript",3) ( -- -- splineToMXS - Michael B. Comet - - -- Copyright ©2002 Michael B. Comet All Rights Reserved -- -- For info/help read function comments below -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper procs -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn executeString s = (if classof s == stringstream then seek s 0; execute s) fn appendString s add = (format "%" add to:s) /* * replaceChar() - Given a string replaces all occurences of character f (from) with * character t (to) */ fn replaceChar str f t = ( if (str == "" or str == undefined) then return ""; len = str.count; for i in 1 to len do ( if (str[i] == f) then -- replace it needed str[i] = t; ) return str; ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main Proc -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * splineTpMXS() - This will take any selected "Editable Spline Object" and will convert * it to a MAXScript Function that you can run to recreate it. Useful * for building control objects for rigging. Just draw whatever you want, * then select it, and run this function. The object must be a "line" * or be converted to "Editable Spline" before trying to export. * * Note that the objects transform (ie: pos, rotation etc...) doesn't matter. * The exported function will recreate the spline shape at 0,0,0 relative * to the original object itself. This means you MAY need to do a * "Reset XForm" on the shape before exporting. * * You can then take that code and add it as a toolbar button or into * your own scripts to easily recreate that shape. * * This proc even retain the Object's name and the Wireframe color, so * that the created object will be identical. (The name may be 01, 02, etc...) * * The name of the function that it creates will be called "createShape()". * * This returns the MAXScript code as a stringstream value. And should appear * also in the listener window. */ fn splineToMXS = ( str = stringstream ""; objs = getCurrentSelection(); for o in 1 to objs.count do ( if (classOf objs[o] == SplineShape or classOf objs[o] == line) then ( format "-- Exporting %\n" objs[o].name; -- Make sure function name has no spaces. fnName = replaceChar objs[o].name " " "_"; appendString str ("-- Start of Shape Creation Proc\n"); appendString str ("-- \n"); appendString str ("fn create"+fnName +"Shape = \n"); appendString str ("(\n\n"); appendString str ("\tln = line();\n"); ns = numSplines objs[o] for si in 1 to ns do ( appendString str ("\tsplIdx = addNewSpline ln;\n"); nk = numKnots objs[o] si; -- how many knots in this spline? for k in 1 to nk do ( type = getKnotType objs[o] si k; coordsys objs[o]; ( pos = getKnotPoint objs[o] si k; appendString str ("\t\taddKnot ln splIdx #"+(type as string)+" #curve "+(pos as string)); if (type == #bezier or type == #bezierCorner) then ( invec = getInVec objs[o] si k; outvec = getOutVec objs[o] si k; appendString str (" "+(invec as string)+" "+(outvec as string)); ) appendString str (";\n"); ) -- end off coordsys ) -- end of knot loop closed = isClosed objs[o] si; if (closed == true) then appendString str ("\tclose ln splIdx;\n"); else appendString str ("\topen ln splIdx;\n"); ) -- end of splineIndex loop appendString str ("\tupdateShape ln;\n"); appendString str ("\tconvertToSplineShape ln;\n"); origColor = objs[o].wireColor; appendString str ("\tln.wireColor = "+(origColor as string)+";\n"); appendString str ("\ = uniqueName \""+(objs[o].name)+"\";\n"); appendString str ("\tselect ln;\n"); appendString str ("\treturn ln;\n"); appendString str ("\n)\n"); appendString str ("-- \n"); appendString str ("-- End of Shape Creation Proc\n"); ) ) format "-- splineToMXS OUTPUT:\n\n" format "%\n" (str as string); format "\n\n"; appendString str (""); return str; ) -- now just do it for the macro! splineToMXS(); )