macroScript wireConnect category:"Comet Cartoons" toolTip:"wireConnect: Nice wire connection dialog for editing/making parameter wires" Icon:#("CometCartoons",20) ( -- wireConnect - By Michael B. Comet - -- -- -- Version 1.00 - - 04/14/02 -- -- Version 1.01 - - 04/18/02 -- Initial Public Release. This version should show values -- for controllers, as well as show SCRIPT controller Expressions -- for the master object, and of course do Wiring. -- Basic wiring, range editing and expression editing works for -- both the script controllers and wire controllers. -- Note you do have to "tab" key out of the script edit box or click -- somewhere else to get it to "accept" any script changes. -- Use the CTRL key when clicking in the slave list to add or remove -- just one item/wire at a time. -- -- Version 1.02 - - 04/21/02 -- Fixed bug where immediate wire wouldn't re-show child if the master -- controller didn't originally have a controller assigned by default -- yet. -- global wireCVersion = "1.02"; -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Basic String Procs -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn toupper instring = ( local upper, lower, outstring -- declare variables as local upper="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" -- set variables to literals lower="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" -- -- create an unique copy of the string referenced by instring, and store -- reference to unique copy in outstring outstring=copy instring; -- -- increment from 1 to number of character in string for i in 1 to outstring.count do ( -- -- see if the single character at index i in outstring is present in string lower -- If so, j equals position in string lower. If not, j equals undefined j = findString lower outstring[i]; -- -- if character was found in lower, replace with corresponding character in upper if (j != undefined) do outstring[i] = upper[j]; ) return outstring; ) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn tolower instring = ( local upper, lower, outstring -- declare variables as local upper="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" -- set variables to literals lower="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" -- -- create an unique copy of the string referenced by instring, and store -- reference to unique copy in outstring outstring=copy instring; -- -- increment from 1 to number of character in string for i in 1 to outstring.count do ( -- -- see if the single character at index i in outstring is present in string lower -- If so, j equals position in string lower. If not, j equals undefined j = findString upper outstring[i]; -- -- if character was found in lower, replace with corresponding character in upper if (j != undefined) do outstring[i] = lower[j]; ) return outstring; ) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * getDimension() - Given a classType determines how many sub parts it has * which is useful for figuring out if things can be wired together or * or not. */ fn getDimension classType = ( if (classType == Quat) then return 4; else if (classType == Point3 or classType == Color) then return 3; else if (classType == Float or classType == Integer or classType == BooleanClass) then return 1; else return 0; ) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * canWire() - Returns 1 if we can wire, 0 if not. Needs 2 classes */ fn canWire left right = ( lD = getDimension left; rD = getDimension right; if (lD == rD) then return true; else return false; ) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct wireCData ( -- object, -> name, sA, parent, Controller parentObj parentCont obj, cnt=0, names=#(), sAs=#(), sAPs=#(), conts=#(), contsM=#(), classes=#(), indentStr = " ", fn addSubAnim sub par name indent var = ( -- Check in case there are regular subAnims... if sub.numSubs > 0 then ( ind = ""; for i = 1 to indent do ind += indentStr; -- format ">> %% <<\n" ind name; cnt+=1; names[cnt] = (toupper (ind+"( "+name+" )") ); sAs[cnt] = sub; sAPs[cnt] = par; conts[cnt] = undefined; contsM[cnt] = undefined; classes[cnt] = undefined; for i = 1 to sub.numSubs do ( sName = getSubAnimName sub i as string; var.addSubAnim sub[i] sub sName (indent+1) var; -- recurse ) ) else -- leaf node! ( ind = ""; for i = 1 to indent do ind += indentStr; -- format "%% " ind name; cont = sub.controller; -- format "cont= % " cont; -- format "val= % " sub.value; -- format "classOf val = % " (classOf sub.value); -- format "\n"; -- Only add if cont was not already in list -- Or if it is an undefined controller, which many may be since not yet assigned, -- make sure it has a class, and is not an empty group node. -- -- This way duplicate controllers aren't disconnect doesn't break. -- And also it is cleaner with ( BLOCKS ) that don't have children not being -- displayed. -- if (findItem conts cont == 0 or (cont == undefined and classOf sub.value != UndefinedClass) ) then ( cnt+=1; if (sub.value == undefined) then -- see if it's just a master node with no childern.... names[cnt] = (toupper (ind+"( "+name+" )")); else names[cnt] = (tolower (ind+name)); sAs[cnt] = sub; sAPs[cnt] = par; conts[cnt] = sub.controller; contsM[cnt] = undefined; classes[cnt] = (classOf sub.value); if (classOf cont == Float_Wire or classOf cont == Position_Wire or classOf cont == Rotation_Wire or classOf cont == Scale_Wire or classOf cont == Point3_Wire)then ( local wpar = cont.getWireParent 1; pO = (refs.dependents wpar)[1]; -- hack pN = getSubAnimName wpar (cont.getWireSubNum 1); sM = wpar[pN]; contsM[cnt] = sM.controller; -- format "**** wire, owner=% name=% sM=% cM=% is master\n" pO pN sM contsM[cnt]; ) ) ) -- Also if there are CA's go through those as well try ( -- see if this subAnim or Obj has a Custom_Attributes definition. caCnt = custAttributes.count sub; for i = 1 to caCnt do ( ca = custAttributes.get sub i; -- go thru each attribute def for this node ind = ""; for d = 1 to indent do ind += indentStr; caDef = custAttributes.getDef sub i; theName = as string; -- format ">> %%: % <<\n" ind name theName; cnt+=1; names[cnt] = (toupper (ind+"( "+name+": "+theName+" )")); sAs[cnt] = ca; sAPs[cnt] = sub; conts[cnt] = undefined; contsM[cnt] = undefined; classes[cnt] = undefined; if (ca.numSubs > 0) then -- if there are subs, work thru those too! ( for j = 1 to ca.numSubs do ( sName = getSubAnimName ca j as string; var.addSubAnim ca[j] sub sName (indent+1) var; -- recurse on CA's ) ) ) ) catch ( ) ), fn buildList var:undefined objnew: = ( if (objnew != unsupplied) then obj = objnew; if (obj == undefined) then ( format "-- ERROR: Cannot buildList, obj is undefined!\n"; return(); ) if (var == undefined) then ( format "-- ERROR: Cannot buildList, var is undefined!\n"; return(); ) format "-- buildList: Building data for: %\n"; -- Clear out all basic arrays first. cnt = 0; names = #(); sAs = #(); sAPs = #(); conts = #(); contsM = #(); classes = #(); addSubAnim obj undefined 0 var; -- Start recurse on data builder proc ) ) -- end of wireCData -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn removeLeadingWS str = ( newstr = ""; for i in 1 to str.count do ( if (str[i] != " ") then -- once we hit non ws stuff just return the rest ( newstr += substring str i -1; -- tack on rest of it return newstr; -- and return ) ) return newstr; ) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ROLLOUTS -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- global wcDlg; global wireCDialog; global wireCControlRoll; global buildExpList; global wcMasterData, wcSlaveData; wcMasterData = wireCData(); wcSlaveData = wireCData(); /* rollout wireCDialog "Comet - Wire Connect" ( SubRollout wireCSubRoll "" width:580 height:510; on wireCDialog resized size do ( wireCSubRoll.width = size.x - 18; wireCSubRoll.height = size.y - 18; ) ) */ rollout wireCControlRoll "Wiring" ( pickbutton pb_master "Pick Master Object" width:250 toolTip:"Choose Master Object" across:2; pickbutton pb_slave "Pick Slave" width:250 toolTip:"Choose Slave Object"; listbox lb_master items:#() height:20 across:2; multilistbox mlb_slave items:#() enabled:false height:20; dropdownlist ddl_script items:#() enabled:false width:250 offset:[1,0] across:3; spinner spn_from "Wire Time Range FROM:" enabled:false type:#integer range:[-1000,10000,-1000] fieldWidth:50 offset:[90,2]; spinner spn_to "TO:" type:#integer enabled:false range:[-1000,10000, 10000] fieldWidth:50 offset:[0,2]; edittext et_script text:"" height:126 offset:[-2,0]; on pb_master picked obj do ( pb_master.text = "MASTER: "; wcDlg.master = obj; wcMasterData.buildList var:wcMasterData objnew:(wcDlg.master); lb_master.items = wcMasterData.names; lb_master.selection = 0; -- And clear selection....on other side. mlb_slave.selection = #(); wcDlg.selMaster = 0; wcDlg.selSlave = #(); buildExpList(); ) on pb_slave picked obj do ( pb_slave.text = "SLAVE: "; wcDlg.slave = obj; wcSlaveData.buildList var:wcSlaveData objnew:(wcDlg.slave); mlb_slave.items = wcSlaveData.names; mlb_slave.selection = #(); lb_master.selection = 0; -- And clear selection....on other side. wcDlg.selSlave = #(); wcDlg.selMaster = 0; buildExpList(); ) on ddl_script selected item do ( if (item == 1) then -- Either a *Value* or *Expr* if master is expr cont. ( mi = wcDlg.selMaster; cont = wcMasterData.conts[mi]; contC = classOf cont; if (contC == Float_Script or contC == Point3_Script or contC == Position_Script or contC == Rotation_Script or contC == Scale_Script) then ( expr = cont.script; range = getTimeRange cont; fixedexpr = ""; -- now do this to fix edit text \n vs \r\n bug pc = ""; for c in 1 to expr.count do ( if expr[c] == "\n" and pc != "\r" then fixedexpr += "\r"; fixedexpr += expr[c]; pc = expr[c]; ) et_script.text = (fixedexpr); et_script.enabled = true; spn_from.enabled = true; spn_to.enabled = true; spn_from.value = range.start; spn_to.value = range.end; ) else ( expr = (wcMasterData.sAs[mi].value as string); range = (interval -1000 10000) et_script.text = (expr); et_script.enabled = false; spn_from.enabled = false; spn_to.enabled = false; spn_from.value = range.start; spn_to.value = range.end; ) ) else if (item == 2) then -- *New* entry ( mi = wcDlg.selMaster; et_script.text = (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]+";"); et_script.enabled = true; spn_from.value = -1000; spn_to.value = 10000; spn_from.enabled = true; spn_to.enabled = true; ) else -- otherwise it's the data from a previous wire ( -- get the index into the array from the slave list -- We do a -1 since for us 1 is "*new*" and then 2 is really #1.... -- idx = wcDlg.selSlave[(item-2)]; cont = wcSlaveData.conts[idx]; -- get controller expr = cont.getExprText 1; -- and GET the expression range = getTimeRange cont; -- and Range et_script.text = (expr); et_script.enabled = true; spn_from.value = range.start; spn_to.value = range.end; spn_from.enabled = true; spn_to.enabled = true; ) ) on et_script entered expr do ( item = ddl_script.selection; -- which item are we editing? if (item == 1) then -- See if it is a Script Controller ( mi = wcDlg.selMaster; cont = wcMasterData.conts[mi]; contC = classOf cont; if (contC == Float_Script or contC == Point3_Script or contC == Position_Script or contC == Rotation_Script or contC == Scale_Script) then ( if (expr != "") then ( cont.script = expr; format "-- Updated SCRIPT expression for %.%\n" (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]); ) ) else ( ) ) else if (item == 2) then -- if it is item "*new*" then don't have to do anything ( ) else ( if (expr != "" and expr != undefined) then ( idx = wcDlg.selSlave[(item-2)]; cont = wcSlaveData.conts[idx]; -- get controller cont.setExprText 1 expr; -- and SET the expression -- Now set val which will cause the stuff to update without having -- to "wiggle" anything in most cases. This won't work if the driving -- side is also a wire slave connected to something tho... contM = wcSlaveData.contsM[idx]; val = contM.value; try ( contM.value = val;) catch (); format "-- Updated expression for %.%\n" (removeLeadingWS wcSlaveData.names[idx]); ) ) ) -- end of script et change on spn_from changed val do ( item = ddl_script.selection; -- which item are we editing? if (item == 1) then -- See if it is a Script Controller ( mi = wcDlg.selMaster; cont = wcMasterData.conts[mi]; contC = classOf cont; if (contC == Float_Script or contC == Point3_Script or contC == Position_Script or contC == Rotation_Script or contC == Scale_Script) then ( setTimeRange cont val spn_to.value; format "-- Updated SCRIPT EXPR Time Range for %.%\n" (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]); ) else ( ) ) else if (item == 2) then -- if it is item "*new*" then don't have to do anything ( ) else ( idx = wcDlg.selSlave[(item-2)]; cont = wcSlaveData.conts[idx]; -- get controller setTimeRange cont val spn_to.value; format "-- Updated Wire Time Range for %.%\n" (removeLeadingWS wcSlaveData.names[idx]); ) ) on spn_to changed val do ( item = ddl_script.selection; -- which item are we editing? if (item == 1) then -- See if it is a Script Controller ( mi = wcDlg.selMaster; cont = wcMasterData.conts[mi]; contC = classOf cont; if (contC == Float_Script or contC == Point3_Script or contC == Position_Script or contC == Rotation_Script or contC == Scale_Script) then ( setTimeRange cont spn_from.value val; format "-- Updated SCRIPT EXPR Time Range for %.%\n" (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]); ) else ( ) ) else if (item == 2) then -- if it is item "*new*" then don't have to do anything ( ) else ( idx = wcDlg.selSlave[(item-2)]; cont = wcSlaveData.conts[idx]; -- get controller setTimeRange cont spn_from.value val; format "-- Updated Wire Time Range for %.%\n" (removeLeadingWS wcSlaveData.names[idx]); ) ) on lb_master selected item do ( wcDlg.selMaster = item; mi = item; if (wcMasterData.classes[mi] != UndefinedClass and wcMasterData.classes[mi] != undefined) then ( mlb_slave.selection = #(); mlb_slave.enabled = true; wcDlg.selSlave = #(); -- reset our slave selection -- now we search and see if anything is conencted and if so built the list -- of what is selected on the right side. sArr = #(); cnt = 0; for i in 1 to wcSlaveData.names.count do ( -- Now if the slave "master" controller is controlled by -- the same controller of this master...we mark it as linked if (wcSlaveData.contsM[i] != undefined and wcSlaveData.contsM[i] == wcMasterData.conts[mi]) then ( cnt += 1; sArr[cnt] = i; wcDlg.selSlave[cnt] = i; ) ) -- Now set our sel mlb_slave.selection = sArr; buildExpList(); ) else ( mlb_slave.selection = #(); mlb_slave.enabled = false; buildExpList(); ) ) -- end of MASTER select on mlb_slave selected item do ( idx = findItem wcDlg.selSlave item; -- get our selection idx list -- If it is 0 then we gotta add if (idx == 0) then ( -- ** Add CLASS CHECK here ** mi = wcDlg.selMaster; si = item; leftClass = wcMasterData.classes[mi]; rightClass = wcSlaveData.classes[si]; if (canWire leftClass rightClass == true) then ( wcDlg.selSlave[(wcDlg.selSlave.count+1)] = item; -- format "-- Added %\n" item; if (wcDlg.selMaster != undefined) then ( mi = wcDlg.selMaster; si = item; if (wcMasterData.classes[mi] != UndefinedClass and wcMasterData.classes[mi] != undefined) then ( format "-- Connecting %.% to %.%\n" (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]) (removeLeadingWS wcSlaveData.names[si]); paramWire.connect (wcMasterData.sAs[mi]) (wcSlaveData.sAs[si]) (et_script.text); -- Now update new controller info cont = wcSlaveData.sAs[si].controller; wcSlaveData.conts[si] = cont; local wpar = cont.getWireParent 1; pO = (refs.dependents wpar)[1]; -- hack pN = getSubAnimName wpar (cont.getWireSubNum 1); sM = wpar[pN]; wcSlaveData.contsM[si] = sM.controller; -- set SlaveMaster Cont to new value -- Also because the master might not have had a controller before, we need to do that as well! -- This is the bug fix for 1.02 wcMasterData.conts[mi] = sM.controller; setTimeRange cont spn_from.value spn_to.value; ) ) ) -- end of can wire. else ( msg = ""; msg += "-- ERROR: You cannot wire these two types of controllers together.\n"; msg += "-- For example a Quat has 4 dimensions, a Color has 3, a Bezier Float has 1.\n"; msg += "-- You can only wire controllers together with the same number of dimensions\n\n"; msg += "-- For example Scale to Color is OK, because both have 3 parts, X,Y,Z and R,G,B\n"; msg += "-- But Scale to Position_X would not work because Scale is X,Y,Z and Position_X\n"; msg += "-- is a Bezier with 1 dimensional float value.\n\n"; msg += "-- If you wish to wire a Float to Pos/Rot/Scale make sure you convert the\n"; msg += "-- Controllers to Position_XYZ, Euler_XYZ or Scale_XYZ to get separate\n"; msg += "-- individual X, Y and Z Bezier Float sub controllers.\n"; format "%" msg; messageBox msg title:"Cannot Wire Incompatible Controllers" beep:true; mlb_slave.selection = wcDlg.selSlave; -- put back to what is valid only ) ) else ( deleteItem wcDlg.selSlave idx; -- format "-- Removed %\n" item; if (wcDlg.selMaster != undefined) then ( mi = wcDlg.selMaster; si = item; if (wcMasterData.classes[mi] != undefined) then ( format "-- Disconnecting %.%\n" (removeLeadingWS wcSlaveData.names[si]); paramWire.disconnect (wcSlaveData.conts[si]) -- Now update new controller info cont = wcSlaveData.sAs[si].controller; wcSlaveData.conts[si] = cont; wcSlaveData.contsM[si] = undefined; ) ) ) -- Now update dropdown to remove item buildExpList(); ) -- end of slave select ) rollout wireCAboutRoll "About" ( label lLlbl1 "wireConnect"; label lLlbl2 ""; label lLlbl3 "Copyright ©2002 Michael B. Comet"; label lLlbl4 "All Rights Reserved."; label lLlbl5 ""; label lLlbl6 ""; on wireCAboutRoll open do ( lLlbl1.text = ("wireConnect - "+wireCVersion); ) ) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fn buildExpList = ( -- Now update dropdown to remove item mi = wcDlg.selMaster; if (mi >= 1) then ( cnt=1; dArr = #("*New*"); expr = (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]+";"); range = (interval -1000 10000); cont = wcMasterData.conts[mi]; contC = classOf cont; if (contC == Float_Script or contC == Point3_Script or contC == Position_Script or contC == Rotation_Script or contC == Scale_Script) then ( cnt=2; str = ""; str += "( SCRIPT EXPR ) "; str += + "."; str += (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]); dArr = #(str, "*New*"); expr = (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]+";"); range = (interval -1000 10000); ) else ( cnt=2; dArr = #("*Value*", "*New*"); expr = (removeLeadingWS wcMasterData.names[mi]+";"); range = (interval -1000 10000); ) for cnt in 1 to wcDlg.selSlave.count do ( si = wcDlg.selSlave[cnt]; dArr[(cnt+2)] = ("."+(removeLeadingWS wcSlaveData.names[si])); cont = wcSlaveData.conts[si]; -- get controller expr = cont.getExprText 1; -- and the expression range = getTimeRange cont; -- and Range ) wireCControlRoll.ddl_script.enabled = true; wireCControlRoll.ddl_script.items = dArr; wireCControlRoll.ddl_script.selection = dArr.count; -- default to the "new" one. wireCControlRoll.et_script.text = (expr); wireCControlRoll.et_script.enabled = true; wireCControlRoll.spn_from.enabled = true; wireCControlRoll.spn_to.enabled = true; wireCControlRoll.spn_from.value = range.start; wireCControlRoll.spn_to.value = range.end; ) else ( wireCControlRoll.ddl_script.items = #(); wireCControlRoll.ddl_script.enabled = false; wireCControlRoll.spn_from.value = -1000; wireCControlRoll.spn_to.value = 10000; wireCControlRoll.spn_from.enabled = false; wireCControlRoll.spn_to.enabled = false; wireCControlRoll.et_script.text = ""; wireCControlRoll.et_script.enabled = false; wireCControlRoll.mlb_slave.selection = #(); wireCControlRoll.mlb_slave.enabled = false; ) ) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct wireConnect ( master=undefined, slave=undefined, selMaster=0, selSlave=#(), fn create = ( /* try ( destroyDialog wireCDialog; ) catch ( ) createDialog wireCDialog width:600 height:520 style:#(#style_resizing, #cui_dock_vert, #cui_floatable, #cui_handle, #style_border, #style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu) addSubRollout wireCDialog.wireCSubRoll wireCAboutRoll rolledUp:true; addSubRollout wireCDialog.wireCSubRoll wireCControlRoll; */ try ( closeRolloutFloater wireCDialog; ) catch ( ) wireCDialog = (newRolloutFloater ("Comet: wireConnect - "+wireCVersion) 580 550) addRollout wireCControlRoll wireCDialog addRollout wireCAboutRoll wireCDialog rolledUp:true ) ) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --wcData = wireCData obj:$teapot01; --wcData.buildList var:wcData; wcDlg = wireConnect(); wcDlg.create(); ) -- end of macro