macroScript zeroOut category:"Comet Cartoons" toolTip:"zeroOut: Inserts a helper object above the selected object(s) in the hierarchy to make values zero." Icon:#("CometCartoons",19) ( -- -- zeroOut - Michael B. Comet - - -- Copyright ©2002 Michael B. Comet All Rights Reserved -- -- Version 1.00 - 3/03/2002 -- objs = getCurrentSelection(); oc = objs.count; undo "ZEROOut" on ( setWaitCursor(); for i in 1 to oc do ( pt = Point pos:[0,0,0] isSelected:on centermarker:on axistripod:off cross:off Box:off constantscreensize:off drawontop:off size:20; -- Insert into hierarchy pt.parent = objs[i].parent; -- Now snap it to same values coordsys world ( pt.scale = objs[i].scale; pt.rotation = objs[i].rotation; pt.position = objs[i].position; pt.wirecolor = (color 80 10 0); = (objs[i].name+"ZERO"); ) -- reparent object objs[i].parent = pt; ) -- finally reselect original objects select objs; setArrowCursor(); ) -- end undo )